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MacDonald, N., & Howell, G. (2020). Killing me softly: Competition in artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles. PRISM Security Studies Journal, 8(3), 102–126. 
Resource type: Journal Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 21570663
BibTeX citation key: MacDonald2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Engineering, General, Geopolitical, Innovation, Military Science
Subcategories: Air Force, Autonomous systems, China, Command and control, Drones, JADC2, Machine intelligence, Machine learning, Military research, Strategy, United States
Keywords: ARTIFICIAL intelligence, DRONE aircraft, MILITARY technology
Creators: Howell, MacDonald
Collection: PRISM Security Studies Journal
The conduct of war is being fundamentally altered by the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence (AI). The competition in AI and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) marks the onset of the “7th Military Revolution” and the states that integrate these advances first will have a prodigious military advantage.” China has seized this moment, increasingly posing a risk to the historical technological advantage of the United States and destabilizing the foundations of modern warfare. China has invested extensively in artificial intelligence and used significant aggressive covert and overt technological appropriation to rapidly revolutionize its military capabilities. China’s innovation on the military front is mirrored by its national commitment to achieving superiority in the civilian and commercial applications of AI systems. The United States not only risks falling behind in the AI arms race but also is in danger of losing its commanding edge in commercial AI, where the Chinese government has committed vast amounts of capital to achieving dominance in AI applications across the economy. For example, China was the source of most cited high-impact research papers on AI in 2018 and has demonstrated an efficient strategy of technological capacity appropriation and civil-military fusion to build advanced defense capabilities.
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