AI Bibliography

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Board, D. I. (2019). Ai principles: Recommendations on the ethical use of artificial intelligence by the department of defense. Supporting document, Defense Innovation Board. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Board2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Ethics, General, Geopolitical, Military Science
Subcategories: Autonomous systems, Machine intelligence, Strategy, United States
Creators: Board
Collection: Supporting document, Defense Innovation Board
The leadership of the Department of Defense (DoD) tasked the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) with proposing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Principles for DoD for the design, development, and deployment of AI for both combat and non-combat purposes. Building upon the foundation of DoD’s existing ethical, legal, and policy frameworks and responsive to the complexities of the rapidly evolving field of AI, the Board sought to develop principles consistent with the Department’s mission to deter war and ensure the country’s security. This document summarizes the DIB’s project and includes a brief background; an outline of enduring DoD ethics principles that transcend AI; a set of proposed AI Ethics Principles; and a set of recommendations to facilitate the Department’s adoption of these principles and advance the wider aim of promoting AI safety, security, and robustness. The DIB’s complete report includes detailed explanations and addresses the wider historical, policy, and theoretical context for these recommendations. It is available at The DIB is an independent federal advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations to DoD senior leaders; it does not speak for DoD. The purpose of this report is an earnest attempt to provide an opening for a thought-provoking dialogue internally to Department and externally in our wider society. The Department has the sole responsibility to determine how best to proceed with the recommendations made in this report. 
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