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Yadav, A., & Satyannarayana, P. (2020). Multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization of artificial neural network for estimating suspended sediment yield in mahanadi river basin, india. International Journal of River Basin Management, 18(2), 207–215. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Yadav2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Biological Science, Complexity Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Engineering, General
Subcategories: Big data, Informatics, Machine learning, Machine recognition
Creators: Satyannarayana, Yadav
Collection: International Journal of River Basin Management
Rivers are an integral part of the hydrological cycle and are the major geological agents which erode the continents and transport water and sediments to the oceans. Thus rivers act an important link between continents and oceans for the mass balance. Estimating the suspended sediment yield is one of the crucial aims in the field of managing, designing and planning of any river system or reservoir. To determine the suspended sediment yield in a river basin demands more labour or it is more costly when automatic sampling devices are used. The number of variables and the inter-relationship existing among them influence the suspended sediment yield and the nature of these inter-relationships is neither linear nor simple. Unfortunately, it is a difficult task to determine the suspended sediment yield when traditional mathematical models are used as complex variables and processes are involved. The major key factors, such as basin geology (rock type), relief, rainfall, temperature, water discharge and catchment area that affect sediment yield, are used as inputs to develop the model for predicting the suspended sediment yield in the Mahanadi River. In this paper, a multi-objective genetic algorithm for artificial neural network (MOGA-ANN)-based approach is used for predicting the suspended sediment yield. The MOGA assists ANN to minimize the two competing objectives, i.e. mean error and variance simultaneously. Thus in this study, a hybrid artificial intelligence-based method, MOGA-ANN model, is developed using the hydro-geological-climatic factors where all parameters associated with the ANN models are optimized simultaneously using MOGAs to estimate the suspended sediment yield in the Mahanadi River basin. The ANN's parameters are optimized globally by the MOGA to accurate estimation. The study has been carried out to develop MOGA-ANN for estimating the suspended sediment load using 20-year data at the Tikarapara gauging station which is the last downstream station in the Mahanadi River. The MOGA-ANN model provided the root mean square error 0.0281, correlation coefficient (r) 0.966 and efficiency factor 0.919 during the testing phase. The results suggested that the hybrid MOGA-ANN model exhibited satisfactory performance with an accuracy of 96.41%.
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