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Wang, Y., Widrow, B., Zadeh, L. A., Howard, N., Wood, S., & Bhavsar, V. C., et al.. (2016). Cognitive intelligence: Deep learning, thinking, and reasoning by brain-inspired systems. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), 10(4), 1–20. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Wang2016
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Engineering, General
Subcategories: Augmented cognition, Big data, Decision making, Deep learning, Human decisionmaking, Human learning, Informatics, Machine intelligence, Machine learning, Neural nets
Creators: Bhavsar, Budin, Chan, Fiorini, Gavrilova, Howard, others, Wang, Widrow, Wood, Zadeh
Collection: International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI)
The theme of IEEE ICCI*CC'16 on Cognitive Informatics (CI) and Cognitive Computing (CC) was on cognitive computers, big data cognition, and machine learning. CI and CC are a contemporary field not only for basic studies on the brain, computational intelligence theories, and denotational mathematics, but also for engineering applications in cognitive systems towards deep learning, deep thinking, and deep reasoning. This paper reports a set of position statements presented in the plenary panel (Part I) in IEEE ICCI*CC'16 at Stanford University. The summary is contributed by invited panelists who are part of the world's renowned scholars in the transdisciplinary field of CI and CC.
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