AI Bibliography

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Hagendorff, T. (2020). The ethics of ai ethics: An evaluation of guidelines. Minds and Machines, 1–22. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Hagendorff2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, General, Sociology
Subcategories: Psychology of human-AI interaction, Social networks
Creators: Hagendorff
Collection: Minds and Machines

Current advances in research, development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems have yielded a far-reaching discourse on AI ethics. In consequence, a number of ethics guidelines have been released in recent years. These guidelines comprise normative principles and recommendations aimed to harness the “disrup- tive” potentials of new AI technologies. Designed as a semi-systematic evaluation, this paper analyzes and compares 22 guidelines, highlighting overlaps but also omis- sions. As a result, I give a detailed overview of the field of AI ethics. Finally, I also examine to what extent the respective ethical principles and values are implemented in the practice of research, development and application of AI systems—and how the effectiveness in the demands of AI ethics can be improved.

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