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Seeber, I., Bittner, E., Briggs, R. O., de Vreede, T., De Vreede, G.-J., & Elkins, A., et al.. (2020). Machines as teammates: A research agenda on ai in team collaboration. Information & management, 57(2), 103174. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Seeber2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Engineering, General, Sociology
Subcategories: Behavioral analytics, Decision making, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Social networks
Creators: Bittner, Briggs, de Vreede, De Vreede, Elkins, Maier, Merz, Oeste-Reiss, others, Randrup, Seeber
Collection: Information & management
What if artificial intelligence (AI) machines became teammates rather than tools? This paper reports on an international initiative by 65 collaboration scientists to develop a research agenda for exploring the potential risks and benefits of machines as teammates (MaT). They generated 819 research questions. A subteam of 12 converged them to a research agenda comprising three design areas – Machine artifact, Collaboration, and Institution – and 17 dualities – significant effects with the potential for benefit or harm. The MaT research agenda offers a structure and archetypal research questions to organize early thought and research in this new area of study.
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