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Tarafdar, M., Beath, C. M., & Ross, J. W. (2019). Using ai to enhance business operations. MIT Sloan Management Review, 11. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Tarafdar2019
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Data Sciences, Decision Theory, Education, Engineering, General, Innovation, Mathematics, Sociology
Subcategories: Analytics, Behavioral analytics, Big data, Decision making, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, Informatics, Machine learning, Psychology of human-AI interaction, Social networks
Creators: Beath, Ross, Tarafdar
Collection: MIT Sloan Management Review
Artificial intelligence invariably conjures up visions of self-driving vehicles, obliging personal assistants, and intelligent robots. But AI’s effect on how companies operate is no less transformational than its impact on such products. Enterprise cognitive computing — the use of AI to enhance business operations — involves embedding algorithms into applications that support organizational processes. ECC applications can automate repetitive, formulaic tasks and, in doing so, deliver orders-of-magnitude improvements in the speed of information analysis and in the reliability and accuracy of outputs. For example, ECC call center applications can answer customer calls within 5 seconds on a 24-7-365 basis, accurately address their issues on the first call 90% of the time, and transfer complex issues to employees, with less than half of the customers knowing that they are interacting with a machine. The power of ECC applications stems from their ability to reduce search time and process more data to inform decisions. That’s how they enhance productivity and free employees to perform higher-level work — specifically, work that requires human adaptability and creativity. Ultimately, ECC applications can enhance operational excellence, customer satisfaction, and employee experience.
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