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Rudi, D., Kiefer, P., & Raubal, M. (2020). The instructor assistant system (iassyst)-utilizing eye tracking for commercial aviation training purposes. Ergonomics, 63(1), 61–79. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Rudi2020
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Education, Engineering, General
Subcategories: Behavioral analytics, Human decisionmaking, Human factors engineering, Pilot Training, Psychology of human-AI interaction
Creators: Kiefer, Raubal, Rudi
Collection: Ergonomics
This work investigates the potential of providing commercial aviation flight instructors with an eye tracking enhanced observation system to support the training process. During training, instructors must deal with many parallel tasks, such as operating the flight simulator, acting as air traffic controllers, observing the pilots and taking notes. This can cause instructors to miss relevant information that is crucial for debriefing the pilots. To support instructors, the instructor ASsistant SYSTem (iASSYST) was developed. It includes video, audio, simulator and eye tracking recordings. iASSYST was evaluated in a study involving 7 instructors. The results show that with iASSYST, instructors were able to support their observations of errors, find new errors, determine that some previously identified errors were not errors, and to reclassify the types of errors that they had originally identified. Instructors agreed that eye tracking can help identifying causes of pilot error.
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