The Mars Outpost region supports the Mars Expedition simulation. The simulation, in partnership with NASA JPL, was the grand prize winner for the inaugural Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge. The simulation continues to evolve each year with additional levels of play and support offered by interacting with an AI console using OpenAI GPT 4o (omni) to help interpret and offer guidance to players. Gameplay starts at the Huffman Prairie Grid involving mission preparation for journeying to Mars, understanding how to use virtual systems (e.g., rockets, cyber networks, communication systems, and an AI kiosk). Participants then take a rocket to the ISS and proceed on to Mars for landing at a surface scientific station to further explore and address challenges presented to them during gameplay. In addition to learning about a variety of challenges associated with human space flight players also can learn about the differences between complicated and complex problems and how best to frame approaches for addressing each as they encounter challenges. The Mars Expedition simulations uses the AI Red Queen to help promote critical thinking skills involved with addressing complexity and chaos wherein there are no known solutions, and one cannot be sure of what is possible in the face of unknowns. The simulation offer instruction on ways to make sense of emerging complex phenomenon encountered during game play by probing–sensing–responding. The simulation can be played by teams or individuals over an extended time.
The Red Queen AI Console supports a variety of Virtual Harmony applications and simulations, including the Mars Expedition Simulation. The console uses the OpenAI GPT-3.5 turbo and GPT 4.0 models. Participants in the Mars Expedition Simulation can interact with the GPT models to make inquiries regarding challenges introduced during gameplay.