The Truman Planetarium region is an honorary immersive 3D-sim exploratory environment in memory of Dr. Barbara Truman. The region supports special events highlighting the spirit of ‘dare mighty things’ with transdisciplinarity. The region is situated in a virtual representation of Paris to honor Dr. Truman’s time spent in France and inspiration she drew from Parisian sources. Beneath the streets of Paris in the region there is a vast underground plaza facility housing a visitor’s center, guest suites for meetings, and an interactive planetarium. The region also hosts a salon and library highlighting the life and work of Sophie de Grouchy (1764-1822), a French philosopher. A Matrix Gaming System is offered in the library. The 3D gaming system makes use of shared sense-making processes such as critical inquiry, reflection, and dialogue to promote better discernment of diverse perspectives and cognitive-behavioral pitfalls common to dealing with events not well understood and highly uncertain.

Visitors to the grid have access to a virtual radio telescope, a virtual planetarium offering a variety of controls for planetary demonstrations, and an assortment of inspirational STEM displays representing the work of Dr. Barbara Truman and her research in transdisciplinarity. The grid also hosts an ExoPlanet System Naming activity featuring an interactive James Webb Space Telescope.

A short video is offered below depicting ExoPlanet naming activity on the Planetarium grid

Visitors can access interactive 360-degree videos along with 3D models from the Planetarium Plaza grid. A wide assortment of 360-degree videos are offered at the hospitality suite located in the main Plaza building providing access to the planetarium. Visitors also have the option to drive a Citroen 2CV when sightseeing the variety of available attractions offered on the grid (see map below).

Screen snapshots from the grid